Energy conservation

In this time of high energy usage, the big buzz is on conservation. So much so, that CalTrans has lit up the freeway billboards with something like “Flex Your Power. Converse Energy.” Hmmm…how much energy does it take to light up those signs? Brilliant. The media and energy officials are saying to keep the thermostat at 78 degrees if you can. I’m thinking, if I put the thermostat at 78 degrees, the temperate in our house would drop by 6-10 degrees! People really need to use fans and suffer to some degree. We have air conditioning, but have never turned it on. Why? Cooling our house for just my wife and me with our dog is a complete waste. Others should follow suit, in my opinion. Our electricity usage is lower, I think, in the summer than in the winter despite the heat. In the winter, we run our heat in the early morning and in the evening; it is gas forced hot air, so the fan on the furnace runs to blow the hot air around.

I try to do my part conserving energy, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Look at all the store signs that are lit up. How about turning those off? We were at the mall the other day and the mall management was going around shutting all the store doors to keep the cool air in the stores (it is an outdoor mall, like most malls in San Diego). Do you have to be a rocket scientist to realize this? The stores all fear that people will think they’re closed because the doors are shut as evidenced by the handmade signs that said “We’re open”. I’m sure there are tons of other things people can do to help, but they just aren’t doing it, which keeps stressing the power system and conservation is only talked about when the system is close to being maxed out.

If high electricity bills aren’t enough, I’d hope that people have some sense of responsibility to the environment and learn to conserve.

2 Replies to “Energy conservation”

  1. Hmmm…how much energy does it take to light up those signs? Brilliant.

    While it may seem ironic, I’d argue that the collective impact of getting the word out to millions of people across the state that it’s important to conserve energy is well worth the energy required to light up those signs.

    And good for you for having your thermostat above 78 degrees!

  2. He still never answered the question that he quoted. Maybe it costs too much and he is embarrassed to admit it. Maybe he really thinks it is a waste of money and energy but he won’t admit it. Any comments?

    Also, do you think people really need to read a sign while they are driving which states the obvious?

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