Bluetooth Knowledge Followup – Apple Radar Filed

In my last article, I wrote about an issue I had with my Bluetooth heart rate monitor and my Bluetooth headset. After analyzing the issue and trying to reproduce the issue, I was unable to do so in my office and then on my next run, everything working perfectly. However, on my run this morning, the problems came back. When I got home, I turned off RunKeeper and ran my test app. My test app either disconnected or I heard an audio dropout every 6 seconds. The big difference between my initial tests and this test was that my heart rate was up and the contacts on the heart rate monitor were conducting quite well. This would indicate that the issue is not a RunKeeper issue, but either an iOS issue or an iPhone 5 issue.

I’ve gone ahead and reported it to Apple as radar://13004711. Based on my past history with Apple bug reports, I don’t expect a resolution any time soon. This would be quite unfortunate as more and more Bluetooth devices come on the market.

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