What is my job?

When people ask me what I do, I say that I’m a software engineer as it is pretty easy to grasp and basically means I write software. However, what I really am is a software architect. How does this differ from an engineer? It means I do a lot of things outside of writing software. (I won’t get into the debate about programmer vs engineer as that is a topic for another day.) A colleague of mine pointed my to a great description of a software architect. The author, Chris Eppstein, kindly let me repost his list.

A Software Architect

A software architect lives to serve the engineering team — not the other way around.

A software architect is a mentor.

A software architect is a student.

A software architect is the code janitor. Happily sweeping up after the big party is over.

A software architect helps bring order where there is chaos, guidance where there is ambiguity, and decisions where there is disagreement.

A software architect codes the parts of the system that are the most precious and understands them through and through.

A software architect creates a vocabulary to enable efficient communication across an entire company.

A software architect reads far more code than he or she writes — catching bugs before they manifest as systems change.

A software architect provides technological and product vision without losing sight of the present needs.

A software architect admits when he or she is wrong and never gloats when right.

A software architect gives credit where it is due and takes pride simply in a job well done.

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