Siri and a 4 year old

I’ve been playing a lot with Siri on my iPhone 4S and am finding it pretty neat. I add reminders when running and when in the car. I’m also asking it the weather, temperature, etc. My 4 1/2 year old son saw me asking it “What’s the weather?” and he tried to do the same. Unfortunately he doesn’t enunciate well, so Siri gets very, very confused. He’s managed to get Siri to respond to something this evening; he asked it “What’s the weather in San Jose?” and it responded correctly.

So, while Siri works pretty well for me, I wonder how well it works for people that don’t speak clearly, have speech impediments or have thick accents. I know that Apple is still working on it, but right now, don’t expect Siri to work for a 4 year old!

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