Unit testing framework and Asynchronous calls

In my quest for information on writing test cases within the confines of unit testing framework, it became evident quite quickly that the tests are synchronous and asynchronous calls will never complete thereby rendering the test case useless. Since all networking code should be asynchronous (in my expert opinion), I had to find a way to handle this.

After a few quick searches, I found that my issue wasn’t uncommon. The most straightforward answer to this question is some code called AssertEventually by a developer named Luke Redpath. Straightforward in that the calling method is not complex; however, there is a big chunk of code behind it that has me a little concerned.

The more I’ve read about this, the more it looks like I have to spin my own run loop during the test such as described on a mailing list like this:

while (!_isDone)
	[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1.0]];

While this should work, it isn’t the most efficient way to do things, but at this point, I’m not sure there are other options.

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