Another rant about developers that should find a new line of work

I’ve been assigned to a new project where one of my tasks is to start refactoring and cleaning up the code to make it more readable and maintainable. I’ve ranted in the past about poorly written code, but some of what I’ve seen is unfathomable. Writing iOS software isn’t that hard; writing good iOS software that someone else will maintain is much harder. Apparently the second half is where developers fall flat on their faces.

For instance, I saw code that checked to see if the device was an iPhone 4 in order to use 2x graphics. It’s understandable that this check was needed for this case, but the code specifically checked for a GSM iPhone 4. This means that the check fails on a Verizon iPhone 4. Instead of doing the proper check for the scale of the screen, it became a bug that no one discovered until I hit it today. I also saw instances where after loading an loading from the network, it was converted into a UIImage and then set in an NSDictionary. Problem was, no check was ever made to ensure that the UIImage was non-nil and then when it was added to the NSDictionary, it blew up. Lovely.

Unless your company is named __MyCompanyName__, you shouldn’t have this in the header of any file. Change it!

Another task that I took on was rearranging the project as files were strewn everywhere. No one else wanted to do this, so I took on this grunt task. It’s definitely not fun, but neither is hunting through hundreds of files placed all over the place. Resources (images, xib, plists) DO NOT belong in the source folder; they belong in Resources. This is especially important for localization to make sure that you have all the right files. In addition, with all your images in one place, you can identify which images don’t have 2x counterparts for the retina display.

I think that this goes back to what I’ve said before; anyone that hires an outside developer (or even uses their own staff) needs to find a trusted and experience developer to at least look at the code.

I’m sure that the more I dig into this, the more disgusted I’ll be, but so far, the work isn’t really difficult, just time consuming. With all the cool parts of writing code, developers do have to take on the icky parts.

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