When do the recruiters stop calling?

Over the last few months, I’ve gotten more inquiries via email and phone calls from recruiters than I recall ever getting in the past. Now that I’m gainfully employed by a large employer, I seem to be a target for recruiters. Is it recruiters’ MO to target skilled people working at large companies? I’ve only been in this job about 6 weeks; do people think I’m just going to jump ship? Of course I’m not going to do that.

How do I stop them from calling (at least for now :-))?

5 Replies to “When do the recruiters stop calling?”

  1. Tell the recruiter you joined the other service. If the Air Force calls, tell them you joined the Army. If the Army calls, tell them you joined the Air Force. They will then mark you off their list.

  2. My guess is that most recruiters pay for “Premium” LinkedIn accounts so they get updates when people update their status. Those LI accounts also offer “premium” search filters so I’ll bet recruiters set them up so they’re get notified when “experienced” people have a job status change associated with a company whose employees they’re targeting.

    Either that or the economy is getting better + new fiscal year so more companies are looking to hire experienced people with proven track-records 😉

  3. Don’t fall for the recruiter pitch! They are a middleman that will take money out of your pocket! All they want is people jumping ship all the time because they make money each jump. Tell me how that is good for an economy or for any company. It’s not.

    It’s just basics math that if a recruiting firm is taking money out of your pocket and has no incentive to pay you more money.. then you can always find a better & higher paying job yourself! Only you have your best interest in mind. Not the recruiter.

    It’s a fact that most recruiters don’t have real jobs and just want to get you into their database which they sell.

    It’s a fact that recruiters make incredible amounts of money off of hard working people, and that recruiters are just self-glorified greedy HR people.

    I guarantee you will be happier and make way more money if you hang up on every recruiter that calls… I’m living proof, and there are millions of others…

    So don’t be lazy! Don’t use a recruiter! It pays more, NOT to use one!! Really!

    1. I have no intention of using a recruiter to represent me, but I don’t see any harm in listening to recruiters that come to me. I understand that someone is paying them, but I still do my own negotiations.

      At this point, I am not looking to go anywhere, so I don’t have to deal with recruiters, except to tell them no.

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