Mystery of poor iPad battery life

Last week I started noticing that my iPad would go from 100% to about 10% battery life in one day with very minimal usage. This had me confused, so I decided to try 2 things to see if I could get the battery life back up. Unfortunately I tried both things in conjunction, so I’m not sure which one of the two made a huge difference. The first is I restarted the iPad. This sounds like a no-brainer, but I usually don’t reset my devices. I noticed that I couldn’t complete a call on my iPhone the other day, so I restarted it and it felt a lot more responsive; so I gave the iPad a restart to see if it would help.

The second thing I did, which is kind of a “duh” is I turned off push notification, removed 1 email account, and switched to checking data every 30 minutes. The push notification system keeps a connection constantly open with Apple’s server so that if a notification comes in, it can be sent down the already open pipe. This, of course, takes power to maintain this connection. However, I leave push on for my iPhone and I don’t see a huge drop in battery life. There are, of course, many differences such as the size of the battery and I charge my iPhone every night.

Well, my battery life is back up to several days of light usage and turning off push notification isn’t a huge deal on the iPhone. I’m not sure if the reset or the push notification was the problem. If you start see declining battery life on your iPad try one or both of these tips; it might just help.

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