Bye, bye NetNewsWire

I’ve been using NewNewsWire for a number of years as my RSS reader as it was easier to use than Safari and a better solution than reading news in Mail. I paid whatever the license fee was and was happy to do it; the program got acquired by NewsGator and became free. It was still maintained, so I was happy. This summer, they announced the end of their own sync service and started allowing people to sync with Google Reader.

I never used Google Reader, so I gave it a try and was very impressed how a web site could work as well as a desktop RSS reader. Since a lot of RSS feeds have links and pictures in them, reading RSS offline doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. I’ve been exclusively using Google Reader for a few weeks and really have no reason to go back to NetNewsWire.

When NewsGator switched to syncing with Google Reader, they announced that they were going to stick ads in it and give people the option of paying to remove the ads. I don’t have a problem with this, but I no longer need the product.

Brent, I’ve enjoyed using your software, but in my effort to simplify, Google Reader will suffice. While many people will argue that a desktop reader has so many more features than Google Reader, I ask, “do you need all those features?”. I don’t.

Yes, I am being sucked into the Google world and it isn’t half bad (if you believe that your information has ever been private and secure, you are surely mistaken).

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