Tracking down bugs

One of the toughest parts of my job is tracking down bugs that either I create, are operating system bugs, or are a combination. Most of the bug reports I get are extremely incomplete and don’t help me. I also get crash reports sent to me so that I can try to see the problems. With the crash reports, some users put in a sentence saying what they were doing. Unfortunately, this doesn’t usually help me find the problem and fix it.

Since releasing ReceiptWallet 2.0, I’ve gotten more crash reports than I would like; I’ve fixed some of the issues, but a few have eluded me. Last night I tackled reports dealing with rearranging collections; while I couldn’t reproduce it (and no one provided enough information to help me), I reworked some code and am much happier with that chunk of code. Will it fix the problem? I’m not sure. Today I looked at another crash report dealing with turned on a preference. All of the reports related to this said “turned on show details with thumbnails”. The crash reports made no sense to me as they were in Apple’s code and not mine. I spent about 20 minutes trying a bunch of combinations to see if I could reproduce it. I was making no headway when I decided to open 2 libraries. Still no crash, then I closed one library, hit the preference and boom, crash. Yeah, I tried again and had the same result. So fixing it would be easy. It actually wasn’t that hard to fix it, but when I started digging, I encountered another issue where closing a library never released the memory (dealloc wasn’t being called), but that’s another story.

The more complete the bug report and having reproducible steps makes my life so much easier. For one project I had more than a decade ago, I was told “make this not crash”. OK, easy, right? No, it took me 4 months of 8 hours a day to track down the issue (a bug in the ethernet driver). Was it worth it? Probably, I was working on a prototype system that was used to launch CDMA packet data.

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