Paying for being stupid

The recent measles outbreak here in San Diego could easily have been prevented if the parents of the original infected child had vaccinated that child. However, the parents exercised their right to not vaccinate. Some parents believe that the mercury in vaccines leads to autism; the problem with this theory is that vaccines haven’t had mercury (thimerosal) in them for years. At the same rate, autism rates have gone up, so it would lead any reasonable person to conclude that the vaccines (at least mercury in them) has nothing to do with autism.

While the parents exercised their right, their negligence (in my opinion) caused others to become infected (infants under 1 year can’t be vaccinated for measles). I think that these people should pay for the medical costs of all those infected and should pay everyone for being inconvenienced. My wife has had to change plans because our son can’t be vaccinated (he’s 9 month old). These parents’ choice has caused people all over San Diego to worry about something that I hadn’t heard of in years.

Please vaccinate your children as your decision should not put my child at risk. If you choose not to vaccinate your children, please never come out of your house.

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