I pulled an OJ

No, I didn’t commit any crime, I ran through the airport like in the old Hertz commercial. I left for the airport quite early for my 12:10 pm flight back home to San Diego just to be on the safe side. I figured I could work at the airport as I’d be there quite early. I got to the airport and went to print my boarding pass (it’s hard to print my boarding pass ahead of time when I don’t have a printer and it said my flight was cancelled. While waiting in line, I checked my iPhone and saw that there was a 10 am flight and an 11:10 am flight; this was at about 9:45 am. There was no way that I could make the 10 am flight, but the person at the counter put me on it and said to go through the employee security entrance. So I did, took my cell phones out of my pockets, pulled out my laptop, took off my jacket, sweatshirt, and shoes, shoved everything in the X-Ray machine and proceeded. I forgot that I had a water bottle that had to be confiscated. I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed all my stuff than darted off to the gate. I made it on the plane with about 7 minutes to spare!

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