Simple means to energy conservation

After repairing my refrigerator and then seeing the movie An Inconvenient Truth, it dawned on me that people probably have several appliances in their house that aren’t running efficiently and simple solutions might exist. In the case of my refrigerator, the blocked up grill probably caused the refrigerator to run twice as often as needed. If other people did the same thing, it could be a real energy saver.

And on the topic of the movie, I was so pissed off when I left the movie on how arrogant our current (and some of our recent) administrations have been. Al Gore presented very compelling facts about global warming. One that really got me is the fuel efficiency standards here in the US. The major push against raising them has been the big auto manufacturers that can’t make money where you have Honda and Toyota making money hand over fist and making more efficient cars. There is a good reason I don’t buy American cars…it’s all about protecting jobs instead of making a quality product. I’m not saying I don’t buy American, but I buy quality products that provide value; if it is American, great, if it isn’t, oh wel..

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