I decided to take the plunge today and install the Apple TV Take 2 update on my Apple TV and attempt to get the SqueezeBox software (now called SqueezeCenter) running on it. I previously had this running on Apple TV version 1.1, but I want the ability to rent movies, so I had to update my Apple TV and decided to install the new SqueezeCenter at the same time. Unfortunately this has been quite complicated. I almost have things working.
- Following the instructions in this thread, I created a PatchStick to install SSH on my updated Apple TV. Prior to updating the Apple TV, I copied all the necessary SSH files off my Apple TV
- Pick up the latest SqueezeCenter (7.0) and the XM Radio Plugin
- Create a folder on the Desktop called SlimServer
- In that folder create 2 files. The first is called StartupParameters.plist and it contains:
{ Description = "SlimServer"; Provides = ("SlimServer"); Requires = ("Disks"); Uses = ("mDNSResponder", "Resolver", "DirectoryServices", "NFS", "Network Time"); OrderPreference = "Last"; Messages = { start = "Starting SlimServer"; stop = "Stopping SlimServer"; }; }
The second is called SlimServer and it contains:
#!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.common SERVER_RUNNING=`ps -axww | grep "slimp3.pl|slimp3d|slimserver.pl|slimserver" | grep -v grep | cat` StartService() { ConsoleMessage "Starting SlimServer" if [ z"$SERVER_RUNNING" = z ] ; then pushd "/Users/frontrow/server" sudo -u frontrow "SqueezeCenter.app/Contents/Resources/start-server.sh" popd fi if [ z"$#" != z"0" ] ; then ConsoleMessage -S fi } StopService() { if [ z"$SERVER_RUNNING" != z ] ; then kill `echo $SERVER_RUNNING | sed -n 's/^[ ]*([0-9]*)[ ]*.*$/1/p'` fi } RunService "$1"
- Tar up the folder:
cd ~/Desktop tar -cvf slim.tar SlimServer
- On a Tiger machine:
cd /System/Library/Perl tar -cvf ~/Desktop/perl.tar 5.8.6
- Mount the SqueezeCenter dmg file that was downloaded above
- From the image, copy Install Files/SqueezeCenter.prefPane/Contents/server to your desktop
- Place the XMRadio plugin in ~/Destkop/server/Plugins
- Modify ~/Desktop/server/SqueezeCenter.app/Contents/Resources/start-server.sh to add
HOME=/Users/frontrow; export HOME
before the ./slimserver.pl lines
- Replace the mDNSResponderPosix with the one from the SlimServer 6.5.4 as the one for SqueezeCenter apparently is a PPC only app and the Apple TV doesn’t have Rosetta. The SqueezeCenter developers are going to fix this.
- Tar up the folder:
cd ~/Desktop tar -cvf server.tar server
sftp -1 frontrow@appletv.local
(Password is frontrow)
put slim.tar put server.tar put perl.tar
- Login via ssh using
ssh -1 frontrow@appletv.local
password is frontrow
- Change the root file system to read/write using
sudo mount -uw /
- Uncompress the files
tar -xvf perl.tar tar -xvf server.tar tar -xvf perl.tar
- Move the Perl modules into a good spot
sudo mkdir /Library/Perl sudo mv 5.8.6 /Library/Perl
- Move the SlimServer folder using
sudo mv /Users/frontrow/SlimServer /Library/StartupItems/
- Make the SlimServer file executable
sudo chmod +x /Library/StartupItems/SlimServer/SlimServer
- Change the owner
sudo chown -R root:wheel /Library/StartupItems/SlimServer
- Disable auto updating
sudo bash -c 'echo " mesu.apple.com" >> /etc/hosts'
- Restart the AppleTV
sudo reboot
- From Safari goto: http://appletv.local:9000/
- Change the music directory in the SlimServer prefs to /mnt/Media/Media Files
- Use iTunes to change the ID3 tags to version 2.2.0 and use that option to Reverse the Unicode strings to repair some issues with my database
I’m still trying to get the XM Radio plugin to allow 2 simultaneous connections, but other than that, I’m done. This has been a torturous process, but I figure by the next time I have to do this, I’ll be able to do it in minutes 🙂