Threading, a necessary evil

Anyone I know that really has a clue avoids multi-threading programming (except for some server applications) as there are so many gotchas. Making things thread safe sounds easy, but is extremely hard as it is quite easy to overlook an item or two I got bit by this in ReceiptWallet in 2 spots. In one case, I build thumbnails on a separate thread to keep the main thread (where the user interacts) running. The problem is that if the user does something, i.e. remove a page or change metadata, I clear the underlying document in the main thread. So the secondary thread tries to use the document that no longer exists and quickly crashes. The fix wasn’t difficult; I simply had to know when the secondary thread was running and don’t change things on the main thread until the secondary thread exited. Of course, I could never reproduce this (like many thread related bugs, it is nearly impossible to track down the cause), so figuring this out was a bit problematic.

The second thread related issue was a little easier to track down, but a bit less straightforward that I messed up. In this case, I used something like:

	[self performSelector:@selector(saveChanges) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];

and then proceeded to do:

	NSTask *mdImportTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
	[mdImportTask setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/mdimport"];
	[mdImportTask setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObject:path]];
	[mdImportTask launch];
	[mdImportTask waitUntilExit];
	[mdImportTask release];

The problem here is that the waitUntilExit runs the main loop until the task (which is actually a separate thread) completes. So saveChanges actually fires when the task is running. The task is in a function that can get called by saveChanges so things become messy quite fast. I had to re-work some code to fix this.

I worked on a project awhile ago that was heavily threaded and despite reassurances that the code was thread safe, it was a royal mess to track down bugs. While I use threads in a number applications I write, I write to avoid them as much as possible, except in cases where doing stuff on the main thread would make the UI unresponsive.

Cocoa bindings causing dealloc to not be called?

In tracking down a bug in ReceiptWallet, I discovered some end (at least to me) odd behavior. ReceiptWallet is an NSDocument based application. When the document is closed, is should call dealloc to release its memory. This wasn’t happening. It appears that some things in my code prevented dealloc from being called; I had to unbind some Cocoa bindings (not all of them, however):

	[_receiptsArrayController unbind:@"selectionIndexes"];
	[photoSizeSlider unbind:@"value"];
	[self unbind:@"currentSelectedIndexes"];

and then I had to remove some observers:

	[collectionsTreeController removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"selectionIndexPaths"];
	[userDefaultsController removeObserver:self
		forKeyPath:@"values.Show Details With Thumbnails"];

and to top it off, I had to set the view on a toolbar item (a search item) to nil:

	extern NSString *SearchToolbarItemIdentifier;
	NSArray *items = [[[self window] toolbar] items];
	NSEnumerator *itemEnumr = [items objectEnumerator];
	NSToolbarItem *item = nil;
	while (item = [itemEnumr nextObject])
		if ([[item itemIdentifier] isEqualToString:SearchToolbarItemIdentifier])
			[item setView:nil];

I can understand removing the observer for user defaults, but the bindings have me confused as the bindings are for items that should get released anyway. I’m probably missing something simple, but I’m glad I figured this one out.

Tracking down bugs

One of the toughest parts of my job is tracking down bugs that either I create, are operating system bugs, or are a combination. Most of the bug reports I get are extremely incomplete and don’t help me. I also get crash reports sent to me so that I can try to see the problems. With the crash reports, some users put in a sentence saying what they were doing. Unfortunately, this doesn’t usually help me find the problem and fix it.

Since releasing ReceiptWallet 2.0, I’ve gotten more crash reports than I would like; I’ve fixed some of the issues, but a few have eluded me. Last night I tackled reports dealing with rearranging collections; while I couldn’t reproduce it (and no one provided enough information to help me), I reworked some code and am much happier with that chunk of code. Will it fix the problem? I’m not sure. Today I looked at another crash report dealing with turned on a preference. All of the reports related to this said “turned on show details with thumbnails”. The crash reports made no sense to me as they were in Apple’s code and not mine. I spent about 20 minutes trying a bunch of combinations to see if I could reproduce it. I was making no headway when I decided to open 2 libraries. Still no crash, then I closed one library, hit the preference and boom, crash. Yeah, I tried again and had the same result. So fixing it would be easy. It actually wasn’t that hard to fix it, but when I started digging, I encountered another issue where closing a library never released the memory (dealloc wasn’t being called), but that’s another story.

The more complete the bug report and having reproducible steps makes my life so much easier. For one project I had more than a decade ago, I was told “make this not crash”. OK, easy, right? No, it took me 4 months of 8 hours a day to track down the issue (a bug in the ethernet driver). Was it worth it? Probably, I was working on a prototype system that was used to launch CDMA packet data.

Software is never done, it’s just shipped

In today’s world of consumer software, the phrase “software is never done, it’s just shipped” is the norm. Prior to the wide use of the Internet and downloadable updates, this wasn’t always the case. When it cost real money to send out updates on media, software was tested more, but also people didn’t expect updates as often. When I released ReceiptWallet 2.0 last week, I knew there was going to be an update. I released 2.0.1 this past Sunday and followed it up almost immediately with 2.0.2 b1 as I found more issues.

This phrase may sound like a cop out, but I believe that it is the only way to write software. There are far too many variables to produce a product and have it work everywhere. There are some many different models of computers, various operating systems, hacks that modify the system, different applications that produce PDFs, etc. 10+ years ago, the combinations were far fewer, so it was easier to fully test a product. It is just not practical or even realistic to believe that anyone can ship consumer software that is bug free. Notice I said consumer software; if you have complete control (or significant control) over all the variables like the software in a microwave or a cordless phone, shipping bug free software is possible.

Having said that, I personally like more updates rather than big, infrequent updates. As a developer, this lets me get out fixes to those that need them and as a user, I like to see that developers are actively working on the product.

I’m a huge fan of the Sparkle framework and think that all programs should have this type of update mechanism built in. It makes it simple for users to get the updates and automatically install them. So, pushing out updates is quite easy.

The tax man taketh

It is time for me to pay my taxes again. As someone that is self-employed, I have to pay quarterly estimated taxes, so this happens 4 times a year. One of the things that gets me (it’s a mental thing) is paying taxes in such huge chunks. Salaried employees have taxes withheld and in theory, the total withholdings equals the total tax, so the money comes out in small increments and people don’t end up with a huge tax bill. Being self-employed, my income varies each year. If I have a good year, I end up with a big fat bill. If I have a year worse than the previous year, I get a refund.

Enough about the technical side of paying taxes. When I write the check (figuratively, not literally as I pay my taxes online so the check doesn’t get lost in the mail), I always think about what my taxes buy me. Really, nothing that helps me. You might be asking, what about the roads I drive on? Or the police? Or the fire department? OK, I’ll give you that, but isn’t some of that funded by sales tax, property taxes, and state income tax? What is the federal government giving me? Here’s my list:

  • 1 war in Iraq
  • 1 war in Afghanistan
  • 1 partially finished border fence
  • 1 bailout of Bear Stearns
  • 1 bailout of “greedy” lenders and borrowers (hey, the news used the word “greedy” last night to describe them)
  • 1 fleet of very, very expensive presidential helicopters (now costing something like $11 billion when the budget was $6 billion)
  • 1 questionable detention facility in Cuba
  • And lots more stuff that doesn’t do me any good…

Wow, with that list, I should be more than happy to give the government more money! I reluctantly pay my taxes because if I didn’t, they’d nail me faster than Al Capone.

Error Message of the Day

I have to admit that some of my error messages to users aren’t that friendly, but I’ve tried to put in a message at least that says “Please contact support and report the above error.”. Sometimes I can help users, sometimes I can’t. I was using QuickBooks today and I received the following error message:


That’s a huge help! It doesn’t tell me what to do, what happened, or how to correct it. Personally I think it looks completely unprofessional to display build paths in error messages. While they might help Intuit fix the issue, I don’t even have a clue where to start reporting that. Do I contact or do I have to go through their web based system? I don’t want an answer, I just want to report it.

24/7 Tech Support

I received an urgent email from a user today that had a slight problem with a registration code. I responded within a couple of hours (today is Saturday) saying that I tested the code and it works fine (I actually did test the code and saw that it worked) and said please try again and if you have problems, please send a screenshot so I can verify the code. The response I got back was “I am very disappointed with your response.” Wow, it is those kind of users that make me want to quit writing and selling software. I generally get back to users within a few hours, 7 days a week; yes, I work a lot and some people appreciate that. Some support tickets take a bit of going back and forth and I’ll work to solve problems as much as it takes. However, getting responses like this make me want to just pack it in.

I generally expect an answer within a few days to any email I sent. (I have, however, been waiting 2 months for a response from IRIS about returning my crappy scanner, but that’s another store and I should just send them a certified letter and demand my money back as the product was falsely represented.) On weekends, I don’t expect any response as normal companies don’t have people working on weekends.

Oh, and ReceiptWallet 2.0 resets the 3 week demo period, so even if I didn’t get back quickly, all users would still have time to use the app before the demo expired.


Background Apps and the iPhone SDK

Yesterday I wrote that I didn’t think background applications were a good idea on the iPhone and I’ve seen some other posts that support my position; anything that makes the phone less stable is bad. A good friend of mine pointed out why a background app would be good, but also reminded me of how this was handled on the Palm OS. Notifications were posted. So an application would register for a notification or set an alarm for a specific time and then would handle that. While I’m not saying the Palm OS was perfect (if you ever wrote Palm OS software, you remember that notifications and alarm callbacks had to reside in the first 16K (or was it 64K) of the application thereby causing you to use jumps to get stuff to work. If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, feel lucky.

The iPhone could do something similar (maybe it already does, but I don’t know and even if I did, I couldn’t say publicly until June). I’m sure that the iPhone SDK will mature as time goes on, but I hope that developers remember that the iPhone is a phone and music player first, and an application player second (or third or fourth). If anything takes away from its main purpose, it will hurt the platform.

When my code bites me on the you know what

I released ReceiptWallet 2.0 on Tuesday and the reception has been pretty good. Unfortunately, as with any major upgrade, there are bound to be issues. I’ve been handling the support issues on a case by case basis, and I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out what could have caused the issues. This afternoon I received a phone call from my uncle who just upgraded and now his data was empty. The good thing about the upgrade is the chances of destroying the data are slim; ReceiptWallet, in most cases, can’t find it. Having visited my uncle back in November and knowing how his system was setup, it made getting him up and running much easier. Then, this evening, it dawned on me the problem, so I tested my theory. In ReceiptWallet and DocumentWallet, I had a preference that let users move the ReceiptWallet or DocumentWallet data folder as people wanted to put it in Documents or on another hard drive. So I moved my data in ReceiptWallet 1.5.2, upgraded to ReceiptWallet 2.0 and saw that ReceiptWallet didn’t find my data. Hmmm…at least I could reproduce it.

I started poking at my code and within a few minutes, saw this:

		[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kOldDataLocation];

That’s the whole line. Anyone who knows Cocoa programming knows that this does nothing. The line was supposed to be:

		dataLocation = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kOldDataLocation];

I somehow left off the assignment to the variable.

OK, simple fix. However, this doesn’t really help the people that have already upgraded and our stuck. In addition, I’m not quite ready to put out a 2.0.1 version. So, I added a menu option that says “Open Prior Version Data” which does the magic to open the data file and actually executes the problem line of code from above.

So, I’ve posted the new version as a beta, put a Knowledge Base article about it and put a ReceiptWallet News item about it. I’m hoping that I can simply point people to the beta version and their problems will disappear.

I’ll probably sleep well tonight having found the answer to one of this week’s greatest mysteries.

Writing handheld applications using the iPhone SDK

In the past week since the iPhone SDK event, there has been a lot of discussion about the limitations of the iPhone SDK. I think that the “limitations” are coming from people and developers that have kind of missed the point. The main concern with a cell phone/handheld device is stability, at least that is my take on it. Way back in 1997 when I started working on the Qualcomm pDQ phone (the first Palm OS based smartphone), my main concern was that the phone could not crash as it was a consumer electronics device. (Imagine your TV crashing because you tried to watch an episode of Lost that had some magic encoding in it.) Maybe I was a little before my time, maybe not. The biggest problem with the Palm OS (up until just a few years ago) is that it didn’t have flash based storage, so if the battery died, you’d lose everything. So not only could the phone crash, but sometimes in order to reset the device you had to pull the battery causing you to lose all your data.

I’ve just started to watch the iPhone SDK videos and will start taking a look at the SDK in the near future (I’m kind of working on 3.5 half time projects which leaves virtually no time to think or write this blog :-)).

One Mac developer has posted a list of its feature requests for the iPhone SDK. These requests are coming for a Mac developer and NOT a handheld developer or average consumer. As someone that has written handheld applications for the last 13+ years, I know that desktop development is completely different from handheld development. While the tools may be the same and it may use the same language, there are tons of differences. The primary concerns with handheld apps are stability and ease of use with limited screen real estate and input mechanisms. I hope that Apple ignores most of the requests from developers to give root access on the iPhone, allow access to the entire filesystem, and the ability to run background apps, just to name a few. These items will (not can) cause instability in the phone and provide a poor user experience that will reflect poorly on Apple. Furthermore, one app touching the entire phone could cause other applications to have problems and then people would come running to me (kind of like they do on the desktop, but more so).

Maybe I’m just jaded, but I want a stable, well functioning iPhone with good applications. I don’t want a bunch of hackers or desktop developers writing crap for the iPhone. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how the market shakes out.

(I double checked this post and all the information above comes from public sources; I highly respect the agreements I sign, either physically or virtually, and I hope that others do the same.)