Conserve like every day is hot

San Diego has been experiencing a major heat wave and our local utility, SDG&E, has asked people to conserve electricity so that the grid isn’t taxed too much. If people sign up for “Reduce Your Use” rewards, SDG&E will pay people if they use a certain amount less than normal at peak times. This annoys me to no end as I conserve everyday and can’t conserve any more. We use ceiling fans all the time, turn off lights in rooms we’re not using, run appliances at non-peak times, installed high efficiency appliances and lights, etc.

Our house has gotten so hot, that I had no choice but to turn on the air conditioning. When the house hit 88 degrees today, I set the temperature to 76, but the house only reached 83 before I turned it off. I work from home and stand under a fan all day; this keeps me reasonably comfortable so I don’t run the air too much. When I’ve left the house, I close the downstairs windows and leave fans on for the dog. It has been so hot this week, that I had to turn on the air conditioning for the dog.

So I definitely won’t be getting credit for conserving during these really hot days because I already conserve! Yes, my reward is I pay less for electricity, but providing people extra incentives to conserve when they should conserve all the time anyway rubs me the wrong way.

One Reply to “Conserve like every day is hot”

  1. This drives me crazy too. I am an So Cal Edison customer and after upgrading appliances and lights all to LED I have realized I “grenned” myself out of any rebates. Not every time I get a text message that it is a save energy day it just rubs me the wrong way…

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