Bulk updating of git repositories

As I’ve written in the past, I have mixed feelings about open source, so I take a close look at a lot of it, especially for some side projects that I have. There is a lot of decent code out there, or at least ideas that I can build on, so I’ve flagged code to look at and cloned a bunch of repositories from Github. The problem I’ve been faced with is that I have a folder filled with open source that becomes out of update quickly and updating each repository is cumbersome. I want to have the latest and greatest so I don’t have to think twice about the code when I go to evaluate it or use it.

Today I had a little time, so I threw together a shell script that walks through my open source directory and updates each repository in it. I could probably set this up us a cronjob, but for now, I’ll run it manually. For all those out there that want to do something similar, here is the script in all its glory!

for i in $(find "/Users/scott/Documents/Development/OpenSource" -type d -maxdepth 1); do
    cd "$i"
    echo "Pulling from: $i"
    git pull

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