When I first started syncing pictures to my iPad, I noticed that videos didn’t sync. After some research, it turns out that the video/audio format used by my Canon SD960 IS, I kind of put it on the back burner and ignored it. Now that I have an iPad 2, I bought iMovie and wanted to do a little video editing this weekend. Unfortunately the only clips that I had on my iPad were taken with my iPhone 4.
After a bit of futzing around with AppleScript, I slapped together 2 scripts to transcode my videos into 720 p and suitable for use on my iPad. The big issues I found is that QuickTime Player (the one with Snow Leopard) changed the AppleScript syntax and exports asynchronously. For non-techies, this means that the export basically happens in the background. This created a problem as I don’t know when each export ends; I need this information so that I can change the date on the exported file to match the original file as well only running around 10 exports going at once (too many running basically slows down the system).
So here’s what I did:
- Created a new folder on the Desktop called Movies and dragged all my movies from iPhoto.
- Created a second folder on the Desktop called NewMovies.
- Opened AppleScript Editor and used the following script and saved it as an application.
property exportFolder : (path to desktop folder as Unicode text) & "NewMovies:" on run choose folder with prompt "Change video files from these folders:" with multiple selections allowed open (result) end run on open droppedItems tell application "QuickTime Player" activate close every window end tell set numExports to 0 repeat with thisItem in droppedItems if (folder of (info for thisItem without size)) is true then list folder thisItem without invisibles repeat with thisFile in (result) if (numExports < 10) then tell application "QuickTime Player" open ((thisItem as Unicode text) & thisFile) try export front document in (exportFolder & thisFile) using settings preset "HD 720p" on error errorMsg number errorNum display dialog "Error (" & errorNum & "):" & return & return & errorMsg buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution end try set numExports to numExports + 1 close front document end tell end if end repeat end if end repeat end open
- I then created a second script that changes the date on the exported files and then deletes the originals.
property exportFolder : (path to desktop folder as Unicode text) & "NewMovies:" on run choose folder with prompt "Change video files from these folders:" with multiple selections allowed open (result) end run on open droppedItems repeat with thisItem in droppedItems if (folder of (info for thisItem without size)) is true then list folder thisItem without invisibles repeat with thisFile in (result) try set fileExists to no tell application "Finder" if exists (exportFolder & thisFile) then set fileExists to yes end if end tell if fileExists = yes then set file_ to POSIX path of (exportFolder & thisFile) set fileInfo to info for ((thisItem as Unicode text) & thisFile) as alias set oldDate to creation date of fileInfo set format_string to "<><><><><>" set new_creation_date to format_date(oldDate, format_string) do shell script "touch -t " & new_creation_date & " " & quoted form of file_ tell application "Finder" delete ((thisItem as Unicode text) & thisFile) end tell end if end try end repeat end if end repeat end open
NOTE that you also need you to grab some AppleScript code for date formatting and put it in the above script.
- I ran the first script, let the transcoding finish, then ran the second script. Unfortunately I had to repeat this a large number of times to transcode all my videos.
So now I have all my videos in a format that works on the iPad. When I import new movies, I’m going to run them through these scripts before I put them in iPhoto. Another benefit of doing this now is that all my videos are in the same format and will buy me a few more years using H.264 and AAC for encoding; all my videos were in random formats some requiring special codecs to play that who knows how long they’ll be around.
While I wish this process was more straightforward and took less time, I’m glad that I undertook this so that I can start playing with iMovie on my iPad.
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