The iPad, a few weeks later

I’ve now had an iPad for a few weeks now, since they became available to the public. When I first saw them introduced, I didn’t see me getting one because, as an average consumer, I didn’t see it fitting into my life.

An iPad managed to land at my feet and I’ve completely changed my tune. This is the device for the average consumer. Granted, the price right now is a bit high, but I think that the iPad is going to revolutionize a number of fields including textbooks, newspapers, and portable computing. While I was impressed with the iPad when I first started playing with it, it wasn’t until the next morning when my wife picked it up, that she said she could see how it could be used as a textbook. She had seen my Sony Reader and was unimpressed with it, but the look and feel of the iPad puts it in a whole different class.

While I’ve done some iPhone development in the past, I don’t use an iPhone (I can’t justify the monthly cost). I use my iPad everyday to read news, RSS feeds and email. It isn’t going to replace my desktop, but I’m excited to start developing applications for the device.

The iPad is the future of tablet devices.

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