Looking for organization

I’ve been looking for a way to keep everything I have to do organized for years. I flip flop between systems, sometimes online, sometimes paper, sometimes just desktop based. Unfortunately I never use a system for more than a few weeks before I forget about it. I’m taking another stab at this and have started using a program called The Hit List which I got as part of the MacHeist bundle I bought. It’s simple to use, lets me have multiple lists, organize my lists into folders, and syncs with iCal. The thing about syncing with iCal, in theory, is that I could sync my tasks from my Pre to our Zimbra server and then to iCal which would dump them in my Inbox in The Hit List. If I was not home, I’d enter a task and it would appear in The Hit List; that could work. However, the Pre doesn’t seem to want to sync Tasks with our Zimbra server.

Let’s see if I can stick with this for awhile; it definitely won’t be a shortcoming of the program if I can’t stick with it as it has all the features needed for a good task management program.

On a side note, Andy Kim, the author of The Hit List, created the Potion Store application that I used to sell ReceiptWallet for about 2 years. It had such a great, simple interface that I instantly fell in love with it. Within about 2 days of finding it, I learned enough Ruby on Rails to modify the application, integrate my registration system, and had it running for sales. Thanks, Andy, without Potion Store, I don’t think ReceiptWallet would have been so successful!

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