Yesterday we took a walk up the street to the shopping center to goto my mailbox at the UPS Store. As we walked up, we passed the local Boy Scout troop setting up their annual Christmas tree lot. Something seems quite ironic about that to me; Christmas trees require a lot of energy to harvest, transport to lots (and then homes) and then requires energy to recycle. I picture Boy Scouts doing all that they can do to help the environment; this doesn’t seem like the right way. When I was a scout, my troop collected Christmas trees for recycling.
I’m not saying that the troop is doing anything wrong and know how strapped troops are for cash; I’m just saying that if you step back for a second, it just doesn’t seem right.
(For the most part, I support what the Boy Scouts do as becoming an Eagle Scout is one of the things that really changed my life. There are some policies that I can’t believe in, but I won’t get into them now.)