I was having problems installing Leopard Server on VMWare Fusion and posted to VMWare’s forums a few weeks back. The response I got was that it was a VMWare bug and it would be fixed in the next update. Perfect, I’d just have to wait. So today, the update comes out with the following note:
Mac OS X Server (10.5.5 and earlier) cannot be installed in a virtual machine on the new Fall 2008 MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air.
The Fall 2008 update to the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air requires a newer version of Mac OS X Server than the most recent version (10.5.5). If you encounter problems installing Mac OS X Server in a virtual machine on these systems, make sure your Mac can boot from the installation disc.
I downloaded the update and decided to try to install Leopard Server even though I had a 10.5.3 disc image and wasn’t hoping for much. I went through the install process and was quite surprised to find that it worked fine on my Fall 2008 MacBook Pro.
So much for believing known issues/release notes!
Thanks man….I wouldn\’t have bothered trying until I saw your blog post. This will save me a bunch of time.