I’ve been doing some iPhone development lately (screenshots and announcement of my first app will be next week) and realized yesterday why I keep running into hurdles; I’m a perfectionist. I want everything to look and work well and have studied the built-in apps for guidance. In my app, the hardest part was the settings believe it or not. As I was looking at apps yesterday and found some issues with some major applications in terms of functionality and interface.
Let’s take a look at a screen from the AP news application pictured to the right. The text placeholders are far too big and in my opinion, there should be labels to the left of each text field. Second and this is where someone really didn’t pay attention to details is that if you hit the + button, it brings up the people picker; there is a cancel button like there should be, but if you hit the Groups button (standard in the people picker), you’re stuck. You must choose a group and then hit the cancel button. Next if you goto the Local section, if you add a location, there are 2 glaring issues to me; first, the return button in the lower right. That really should be a done or something else. The second is that the title says “Add Zip Code”, but the keyboard is NOT the
standard number pad used for PINs and the like. Furthermore, you can enter something like Los Angeles, CA and it says that there is no local news. This is not very user friendly. Do I happen to know the zip code for LA? (OK, I could enter 90210 and get close).
Am I nitpicking? Of course. Will someone pick apart my apps? I’m sure that someone will just to say that I can talk the talk, but not walk the walk. Everyone and his brother is going to say that they do iPhone apps and there will be tons; I hope that people pay close attention to detail as that is what I think will separate the iPhone from other platforms.
I hope to have some neat apps for the iPhone in the near future; so far I really enjoy the platform, but paying attention to detail is the hardest part. In the current app I’m working on, I re-did my settings 3 or 4 times until I liked how it worked.
If you have any ideas or need a contract iPhone developer, please let me know.