MacHeist is back with another bundle of software. In case you’re not familiar with MacHeist, it is a really well developed series of games that when you solve gives you free software and at the end of all the “missions” you get a discount on the full bundle. The free apps are an interesting marketing tool. Most of the developers that put their apps in give one version of the software that isn’t upgradeable. Most of the software, I had no use for, but a few apps caught my eye, including 1Password which has changed how I browse the web! I wasn’t planning on buying the current bundle, but I needed a graphics app and while I think the UI of Pixelmator is awful, and the bundle price was less than a normal license, so I bit. I don’t have a whole lot of use for most of the apps, but they donate 25% to charity and I might find some utility to the apps.
I used to have mixed feelings about the deal as it is a great deal for consumers, excellent revenue generator for the people behind it, donates to charity, but the developers only get a small portion of the profits. Last year there was some debate over this. After talking with one developer this past week, he indicated that when they do these types of deals, the sales on their own site doesn’t decrease! I’ve seen similar trends when I’ve done the MacZOT! promotions. Those people that know about these deals is very small and if the deals spread the word, then how bad can they be?
Kudos to MacHeist for another job well done and for putting together an excellent way for developers to get their software known.