I got a letter in the mail the other day saying that SDGE (our local power company) would be replacing a transformer at about 1 pm and to shut off sensitive equipment, etc. I heard the trucks outside around 12:30 pm and shutdown everything, but left my server running as it is on a UPS and has about a 60 minute runtime. The outage said it could last about an hour. Promptly at 1 pm, I heard the refrigerator shutoff. 12 minutes after I heard my UPS start beeping, I heard the refrigerator start up again. In fact, here is the log from my UPS:
Thu Aug 02 13:11:45 PDT 2007 Mains returned. No longer on UPS batteries. Thu Aug 02 12:59:46 PDT 2007 Running on UPS batteries.
Excellent work! I’m quite impressed with the very short amount of “downtime” (it really isn’t downtime as I have a cellular modem and a laptop, so I was still working when the power was off).