It seems that these days very few businesses besides gas stations charge a different price for cash vs. credit. I know that there is a cost to accepting credit cards (transaction fee and percentage of sale), but companies consider it a cost of doing business and absorb the cost. Years ago when I started accepting credit cards for NotfiyMail, I too realized this and if I wanted to get more customers, I’d have to accept credit cards and charging different prices would not sit well with customers. It would seem that either gas stations are on a super slim margin or just want to milk customers. There are 2 gas stations near my house; for a long time neither accepted credit cards, so I always got cash before going (they charged a $0.35 convenience fee for ATM transactions). Then one of them starting accepting credit cards for the same price as cash. Well, the second station started accepting credit cards at a different price (6 cents higher), so the station I was going to just started doing the same thing. This really annoys me, but it won’t stop me from going there as the bank is in the same shopping center so I can get cash and it is convenient.