I bought a PlayStation 2 Network adapter off eBay a few weeks ago and still haven’t seen it nor heard from the seller. If it doesn’t arrive soon, I’ll have to start the eBay process to get my money back. Checking the feedback of the seller, she was almost all positive feedback. Reading the feedback, I see things like: “never recieved it, was told it was returned damaged. thanks usps.” and “cd cases broke, missing disc, but shipped quick & still an ok deal” both listed as positive feedback! The problem I believe is that if a buyer leaves negative feedback, the seller will do the same thing even if the buyer pays immediately after the auction closes. So because of fear of getting negative feedback, people leave positive feedback with negative comments. For the hassle and aggravation, I should have just bought this from a local store or a known dealer. On the other hand, my other recent eBay purchases were smooth and shipped quickly.