Intelligent design – sad for America

The decision, yesterday, by the Kansas State Board of Education requiring that “Intelligent Design” be taught in biology classes marks a sad day in American history to see the religious right bringing religion into the classroom. Those that support “Intelligent Design” say that it is an alternative to evolution, but in fact, it is made up baloney. There is scientific evidence that supports evolution; the question that has always remained for me, is how did the first “things” on Earth get here? Big bang? A higher being? Magic? Who knows. I think that religion should be used to explain the unexplainable, in this case, how did the first things get on Earth. Taking the bible literally shows a lack of thinking in my mind; I see it as a guide. If you take the passage about the world being created in seven days, no where does it say how long a day is. It could be millions of years.

I’m all for religious freedom, but I don’t want to see anyone impose their religious beliefs (“Intelligent Design” is a belief and nothing more) on me or anyone else in this country. I think that the religious right need to take a step back and practice their religion without forcing it on me.

(It was pointed out to me by a friend that apparently the Vatican, of all entities, has similar beliefs to me about this.)

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